Our 2-Week Productions cram all the fun of a major production into two crazy weeks!
For regular 2-Week Productions, all students who sign up will be cast. Auditions take place on the first day of rehearsal (for our half day camps, the first day will be a full day!).
For Musical Theatre Intensives, students will sign up for an audition slot before the two-week rehearsals. Students will be cast based on their audition.
Students will put on a full length production at the end of two weeks with multiple performances over the final weekend. Just like our major productions, all students and their families will work together to put on the show. Families will be responsible for providing their own costumes and selling tickets to the show, as well as helping with set build, lights and sound, concessions, tickets and more!
It’s fun for the whole family! Join us this summer for one of these crazy adventures!