Help us celebrate our NTPA directors this holiday season!
NTPA’s Ten Characters encourage us to share Gratitude and Love for One Another throughout the year. Please join us in encouraging and celebrating our creative staff this holiday season who pour their whole hearts and minds into working with our students throughout the year.
In this special time of year we are giving our patrons and supporters the opportunity to show their gratitude and appreciation for our Director artists that have given so much of their time, talent and love this past year.
Through December 31, donors, supporters and patrons can support their favorite Directors through gifts of cash, gift cards, donations and other special “Stocking Stuffers” this special time of year through a special “Director Holiday Gift Box” in each of our theatres or an easy online option.
Help us celebrate through one or more of these opportunities:
Holiday Season Gift Giving Details:
- Please note that individual Director gifts in any form would not be considered deductible donations by the IRS.
- 100% of gifts to Directors through the NTPA online portal will be paid as a “Holiday Bonus” (less applicable regular employee taxes and deductions as required by law). There are no “deductions” for credit card processing or administration fees.
- 100% of the Director “Pool” donations will be paid directly to the Directors as a Holiday Bonus (less applicable regular employee taxes and deductions as required by law), and would generally be considered tax-deductible to the Donor. Donors should consult their advisor for tax implications. The pool will be allocated by the proportion of shows directed by each Director in 2024.
- Patrons may also contribute to a general “Operating Fund” that will be used for general operations including Director pay. These contributions would be considered Tax Deductible to the Donor. Individuals should consult their tax advisor.
Parents, patrons and students should feel no obligation to make a donation to this effort, and while appreciated, this support is wholly voluntary. The Director Code of Conduct and NTPA’s Casting Philosophy make clear that no such inducements can or will impact casting decisions or production decisions.
Reach out to our development team at development@ntpa.org.