The Wizard of Oz – Auditioning Grades 3-12 – Southlake

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New to Auditions?

If you are thinking about signing up your first audition but aren’t sure what to expect, you might consider attending a FREE UpSTARt Workshop which is a fast-paced, high-energy, and fun-filled two-hour workshop designed to our future actors the confidence and training to “take the stage” in their first audition.

Check out our Free Upstart Workshops!

No Audition – Munchkin Ensemble

Grades K-2
Tuition $199
Rehearses Sundays, 2-4 starting Feb 9. (Parent welcome meeting on Tuesday, Feb 4 at 5:00pm)

Sign Up for the Munchkin Ensemble!


We’re off to see the wizard! This beloved tale, in which a Kansas farm girl travels over the rainbow to discover the magical power of home, has entertained audiences for generations. Follow the yellow brick road in this delightful stage adaptation of L. Frank Baum’s beloved tale, featuring the iconic musical score from the MGM film. The timeless tale,  continues to thrill audiences worldwide while reminding us all that there is “no place like home.”


Audition Tips for Students
NTPA Casting Philosophy
Audition FAQs for Parents


By L. Frank Baum
With Music and Lyrics by
Harold Arlen and E. Y. Harburg
Background Music by
Herbert Stothart
Dance and Vocal Arrangements by Peter Howard / Orchestration by Larry Wilcox
Adapted by
John Kane for the Royal Shakespeare Company
Based upon the Classic Motion Picture owned by Turner Entertainment Co. and distributed in all media by Warner Bros.
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