We need your help to illuminate abilities through the performing arts!

Support NTPA Starcatchers
Help promote accessibility and inclusion through the arts. Support NTPA Starcatchers today!
NTPA Starcatchers special needs theatre performance of Little Mermaid

In 2022, the NTPA Governing Board of Directors reaffirmed NTPA policy that Donor contributions to specific theatre functions will be credited to theatre targeted funds or operating accounts as directed by the donor. In order to secure a safe future and to provide funding for future scholarship endowments and other strategic investments, NTPA prudently reserves twenty percent of all directed contributions to an NTPA reserve account.

In its over thirty years as a non-profit institution, NTPA has a proven track record of prudent conservative financial management, a careful steward of financial support received, and non-program expense management considered “best in class”.  NTPA undergoes an annual third-party financial audit, and has been found in compliance with FASB accounting standards. For the past six years, NTPA has received the highest of scores in the City of Plano Arts Commission’s annual review of its operations and programs.

NTPA takes the position that a reasonable portion of a directed fund donation may be a applied to customary overhead and that excess receipts for individual campaigns may be applied to future efforts.