Adaptive Theatre Program for Students and Adults who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

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What is NTPA Deaf Theatre?

Learn more about the NTPA Deaf Theatre program in our intro video below!

NTPA’s vision is to light the passion of the performing arts for our youth, and ensure all youth have the opportunity for the profound experience of taking the stage and having their voices heard.

Through our newest program, NTPA Deaf Theatre, we will continue to expand our mission by promoting equal access to theatre and the performing arts to Deaf and hard of hearing youth, while encouraging diversity, equity, education and social inclusiveness at NTPA.

  • Learn theatre skills with highly-qualified instructors
  • Join a community of performing arts fans
  • Perform on stage for friends and family
Donate to NTPA Deaf Theatre

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Deaf Theatre Performances

Deaf and hearing actors perform together with an innovative method of combining language to tell stories on stage in performances that will be enjoyed by Deaf and hearing audiences alike.

NTPA Shows with ASL Interpretation

These theatre productions performed by NTPA’s youth, Community or Repertory (adult) Theatre troupes have one or more performances with ASL interpretation provided.

ASL Student Internship Program

Use your ASL skills to interpret for upcoming NTPA Deaf Theatre programs! Open to anyone ages 15 and older with 2 years ASL experience or enrolled in a Collin College Interpreter Internship course. Student interpreters will have opportunities to practice ASL in a real-life environment, through an introduction to ASL theater interpreting.

Learn More About the ASL Student Internship Program



*As a new program, NTPA Deaf Theatre programming is priced at an already discounted rate, and is not available for additional discounts or promotions. Needs-based scholarships are available.