Want to make a HUGE impact at NTPA-Fairview?

The Main Stage is available for a named sponsorship! Contact NTPA Development at development@ntpa.org for more information.

Friends and Family Sponsorship Opportunities

Support NTPA Fairview
Keep the performing arts alive in North Texas! Support NTPA Fairview today!

Rogue’s Photo Gallery

NTPA photo gallery wall featuring photos of students from past productions

Add a photo to our gallery of NTPA students. Submit your photo to be printed on metal and displayed in our main corridor.

8″ x 10″ photo – $400
11″ x 14″ photo – $600
16″ x 20″ photo – $1,000

Additional Details:

  • You DON’T NEED TO HAVE YOUR PHOTO SELECTED! Order now to secure your spot, and provide the photo later!
  • After two years, photo can be delivered to family or can be renewed for continued viewing!

Actor submits high-res picture. Placement, content and quality subject to Theatre Management Approval. Picture should feature a live or staged “show picture” of an onstage setting in costume.

Purchase a Photo

Chair Sponsors

Fairview Chair Sponsor plaque

Sponsor a seat in our Mainstage Theatre!

Rows 4-14  – $250.00
Rows 2-3  – $500.00


  • Metal plaque installed on chair with your selected text (up to 2 rows, 25 characters each)
  • Placed on seat of best availability in your purchased section
Purchase a Chair

In 2022, the NTPA Governing Board of Directors reaffirmed NTPA policy that Donor contributions to specific theatre functions will be credited to theatre targeted funds or operating accounts as directed by the donor. In order to secure a safe future and to provide funding for future scholarship endowments and other strategic investments, NTPA prudently reserves twenty percent of all directed contributions to an NTPA reserve account.

NTPA takes the position that a reasonable portion of a directed fund donation may be a applied to customary overhead and that excess receipts for individual campaigns may be applied to future efforts.