Episode 27 Available to Listen NOW!

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Episode 27 – Nick Cutelli

Come take a listen to this very special episode of The ACE Up Your Sleeve Podcast where we interview Mr. Nick Cutelli! Mr. Nick shares with us his wisdom on improv theater, stories about his personal journey as an actor and director, and so much more you won’t want to miss! Listen now!

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In this episode of The ACE Up Your Sleeve Podcast, we interview Bonnie Grugle! Ms. Bonnie tells us about the importance of dance in musical theater, gives us a lesson in the 5 body points, and so much more! Listen Now!

More to Come!

New episodes will be released on the last Friday of each month. Subscribe today, so you don’t miss all the new and exciting upcoming episodes.

The ACE Up Your Sleeve is brought to you by the students of the Acting Company for Excellence at North Texas Performing Arts. This podcast was created by Reichen Young with sound design by Latham Young. Faculty supervision is provided by Bethany Bourland. NTPA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to developing the character of youth through quality performing arts education and family entertainment. Learn more about upcoming programs and events at NTPA.org.