Rainbow Fish – Auditioning Grades K-6 – Southlake

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If you are thinking about signing up your first audition but aren’t sure what to expect, you might consider attending a FREE UpSTARt Workshop which is a fast-paced, high-energy, and fun-filled two-hour workshop designed to our future actors the confidence and training to “take the stage” in their first audition.

Check out our Free Upstart Workshops!


Everybody loves the international bestseller and award-winning book, The Rainbow Fish, with its wonderful message of friendship and belonging.  With shiny, multi-colored scales, Rainbow Fish is the most beautiful fish in all of the ocean, and the only one of his (or her!)  kind.  But when Rainbow Fish refuses to share his vibrant, shimmering scales, the whole ocean seems to turn against the vain creature.  Unhappy that no one adores him anymore, the Rainbow Fish seeks out the wise Octopus, who helps him learn that it’s far better to be admired for being kind than for being beautiful.


Audition Tips for Students
NTPA Casting Philosophy
Audition FAQs for Parents


Adapted from the book by Marcus Pfister, translated into English by J.  Alison James, with illustrations by Marcus Pfister.
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