Godspell- Auditioning Grades 5-12 – Plano

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New to Auditions?

If you are thinking about signing up your first audition but aren’t sure what to expect, you might consider attending a FREE UpSTARt Workshop which is a fast-paced, high-energy, and fun-filled two-hour workshop designed to our future actors the confidence and training to “take the stage” in their first audition.

Check Out Our FREE UpSTARt Workshops!


This classic folk rock musical by Stephen Schwartz (Wicked, Pippin) brings the Gospels to life in a contemporary setting reminding us all of the power of friendship, community and forgiveness.


Audition Tips for Students
NTPA Casting Philosophy
Audition FAQs for Parents


Book by John Michael
Music and Lyrics by Stephen Schwartz
Conceived and originally directed by John Michael

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