Summer Film Camps – Grades 3-8 – Studios (multiple locations)

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NTPA Studios Film Camp

About Film Camp

Film Camp is a 5-day full day summer camp offering students a hands-on opportunity to write, film, direct, and edit a short film. The film will be premiered for parents and family, and also uploaded to our Youtube!

Upcoming Camps


June 3-7, 9:00 AM-4:00 PM: Oz film camp – Grades 3-8
June 17-21, 9:00 AM-4:00 PM: Classic Monsters Film Camp – Grades 3-8


July 1-5, 9:00 AM-4:00 PM: film camp – Grades 3-8


June 3-7, 9:00 AM-4:00 PM: film camp – Grades 3-8


July 8-12, 9:00 AM-4:00 PM: film camp – Grades 3-8

Check Out Our Summer Master Class – Stunt Actor Intensive

Have you ever dreamed of being in your own action-packed movie? Now’s your chance! Join us for an exhilarating Stunt Actor experience featuring special guest instructor Brett Copes, the mastermind behind Fight or Flight Entertainment!

Upcoming Camps

June 10-14, 9:00 AM-4:00 PM – Stunt Camp – Grades 5-12
at Willow Bend Center of the Arts, NTPA Studios (Plano)

Learn More About the Stunt Actor Intensive
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