New to Auditions?
If you are thinking about signing up your first audition but aren’t sure what to expect, you might consider attending a FREE UpSTARt Workshop which is a fast-paced, high-energy, and fun-filled two-hour workshop designed to our future actors the confidence and training to “take the stage” in their first audition.
On the last day of his life, William Chesley Shaw is haunted by his past. He had been the superintendent of the New London, Texas school district on March 18, 1937, when, due to a gas leak beneath the school, the New London school exploded. The young victims, led by Amelia (the girl in the white pinafore), now haunt Shaw. Hurt and confused, Amelia cannot move on until she can both forgive Shaw and herself for her own mistakes on that fateful day More a story of the search for redemption than an outright ghost story, The Girl In The White Pinafore asks tough questions about guilt and grief. Based on real events that touch our lives still.
by Jiggs Burgess