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NTPA Repertory’s Production of The Drowsy Chaperone features a Fully Vaccinated Cast, Actors to Perform Without Masks

At the request of the Repertory Theatre’s cast of The Drowsy Chaperone for artistic and personal reasons, and in light of this production’s commitment to safely take the stage with every single member of the cast fully vaccinated/immune, we are pleased to announce that actors will be able to perform this show without masks.

Onstage blocking will continue to subscribe to NTPA’s safe social distance guidelines and actors will be required to wear masks at all times except when actually performing onstage. Two members of the Drowsy Chaperone production team are trained Covid Compliance Officers and are overseeing all rehearsals and performances. All actors and crew are required to adhere to NTPA’s strict Covid Safety Rehearsal and Performance Protocols. Masks are still required for crew, backstage and audience members at all times. Full safety protocols can be viewed at NTPARep.org.

North Texas Performing Arts’s production of The Drowsy Chaperone this weekend marks the first time in a year that its Repertory Theatre company will take the stage.

This production will be the first “maskless” adult production performed indoors by a major theatre company in North Texas since the onset of the pandemic.

We appreciate the work of our NTPA Task Force made up of some 35 professionals providing guidance on our reopening strategy that granted this approval in light of these conditions. NTPA continues to lead the region in its safety measures and protocols, and has staged over 140 youth theatre productions and almost 1,000 performances since reopening in July without a Covid-19 outbreak. NTPA has announced a Five Phase Plan for a return to “normalcy” and retiring all Covid-related protections and is currently in Phase 3 of that plan.

We invite the general public to come see what will be an excellent production of The Drowsy Chaperone. Seating will continue to be limited by our SSD guidelines, and livestream viewing is available. We invite any patrons with questions regarding this change to reach out to us at feedback@ntpa.org.